Most of the things I'm lusting after this week are basics I've wanted for a while, or some beauty essentials. So here it is, my weekly wishlist!
#1 I've been longing for a pair of boyfriend jeans since last summer/autumn, but haven't dared give them a shot due to my short little legs! This season I'm just going to do it though, because they're so cute! These jeans by Popcherry look super comfortable and stylish.
#2 I was browsing the latest Priceline catalogue when I saw this advertised, and it looked like heaven in a bottle. Great scent, great ingredients and (hopefully) great results. My skin is the typical teenage type so I need some help to keep it nice-looking. I do use a few products now but I'm trying to find something that really works.
#3 These minimalistic black heels are exactly what I'm looking after for my formal - simple yet elegant. They're also on sale at the moment, what more could you ask for?
#4 I absolutely love rose gold, and rings are my favourite accessory hands down (hehe, punny), so when this popped up in Pinterest how could I not love it? Now how do I subtly mention that this is on my Christmas list to my boyfriend? ;)
#5 Not a want, but a need (sort of). My hair takes about two seconds after brushing for it to start knotting again, and it's a right pain in the arse to brush it out. This hairbrush looks pretty effective by the description though! As my last brush broke - I literally just put it through my hair and it broke in half because of the knots - I have decided that this is a very justifiable purchase.
What's been on your wishlist lately?
I am terrible with saving money too! LOL! Love your wishlist! Those heels are so fabulous!
It's just too hard, isn't it?!